Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Flying By....

wow..! first year of college is finally over! Most of my seniors had described their first year as "the only year in which you have time to relax". hmmm..I dont think so. Not that I didnt relax but that it didnt fetch me amazing grades either. Ah! But well the past year did bring certain changes in me. Changes,which i never thought i could be a part of!
I live in what we call a "pg". My college has no provision for a hostel so all of us stay as paying guest in the nearby houses. The place where I stay is a pretty happy place with 5 girls chatterin around and freakin out at all times. But, our guardians or tenants-as i'd prefferentially like to call them, are not the most amazing people i've come across. To be brutally honest i've never met people absolutely lacking in concern,care,honesty,worth and selflessness. infact i cant supress the urge to write a few lines about them. let me start with the man of the house- our dearest uncle. well he's funny.I mean for himself alright! He's not really witty (though thats what he thinks he is.....and you know what happens when people think that way!). Its painful and intolerrable to bear him and his laughless jokes. He could actually write a book on PJ's or well i think PJ's are better.Now... this is the pretty harmless side to him. what the irritating and mean part is so very saddening ,as to how a human could be this way, i'd rather not pen it down! I can safely say that aunty is his true replica. as if one wasnt enough! phew!
If all of this wasnt enough to amuse me this entire year, I was blessed with some of the most "un-admirable" proffesors...(well some of them). But then this has always been the case with Indian education system. Its a rarity to find a teacher you look up to and deeply respect.
Apart from all these comical aspects of this year i had some solemn moments too. Watchin my friends go through heartbreaks and crushes altered my definition of being single to a less depressing one. Rethinking what i was doin with my life and finally succumbing to reality was a deeper change that was brought about. but through all this I was always happy to find my 4 best friends always by my side! so to reevaluate i learnt many things this year-
1. you'll find many people around you tryin to drive you nuts,but its you who has to maintain sanity in this murkiness.
2. teachers are always ready to confuse you with the easiest of topics. Dont make them an excuse for your grades.C'mon guys youve always seen it this way and managed!
3. you just cant change the way your friends are just cuz their not like you. Remember appreciate who they are and they'll do the same.
4. At one point of time everyone wants to give up. SO ITS NORMAL!keep your cool and stay focused.
so i guess i learnt a lot in the past year that too from experiances i could crib on for days. Not that i dont but its usually more for a laugh than to get busy with.And finally to all those people who have made through their first years at any institute...."congratualations".


Unknown said...

Made through first year, three more to survive yet.
The point about people being different is so true. Thats the root cause for everything, come to think of it.
The day we realize we aren't made to be same, it'll all come into place.

saras darbari said...

it couldn't have been expressed in better words!